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Monday, April 21, 2014

Review: Don't Even Think About It by Sarah Mlynowski

Don't Even Think About It by Sarah Mlynowski.

Don't Even Think About It by Sarah Mlynowski

Delacorte Press Books for Young Readers
Publication Date: March 2014
List Price: $10.99
ISBN-13: 9780385737388

Review: Reading thoughts. Knowing people's crushes, acing tests, and knowing what others think of your clothes. Those are only a few gifts of telepathy in Don't Even Think About It, written by Sarah Mlynowski. Don't Even Think About It is based on a whole homeroom class. Everyone in the homeroom class, 10b, is a part of this amazing book. The second book that continues Don't Even Think About It comes out in 2015, how exciting! The title of the second book is Think Twice, so make sure to look for it.

It all started with a flu shot. Most people in the school got it. There was one special batch of shots that one homeroom class got. The people in the homeroom class who got the flu shot started getting headaches and they could read people's minds. The homeroom class developed telepathy and they were scared, but they found the others who had also developed it. They would meet up and talk. In many ways it was great, you could know what people thought of you and what people's crushes were. You could even ace a test by sitting next to the smartest person in class. This crazy incident changed all of their lives. Can't wait to see what happens next! The students' houses and the high school that the homeroom class goes to, goes along with the story. It makes the story understandable. I cannot relate to the characters, I am not yet in high school. Each of the characters in the homeroom class is very unique. They each have special personalities. Sarah's writing style is very suspenseful. For example,

What's she doing? Teddy wondered.

Carrie's weird, Keith thought.

Did Keith just say that out loud? Sadie wondered.

No, Tess thought. Just come with me and I'll explain, okay?

This conversation gets you thinking about what Tess will explain and why the girl, Sadie, is freaking out? This story also got right into the exciting stuff. Right away you don't want to put down the book. Don't Even Think About It is written in third person omniscient. This most definitely made the story more interesting. With the telepathy, the characters can hear other people thoughts, which makes the story funny as well. This story doesn't really teach a lesson other than people can lie, and to find out the truth isn't so easy.

Review written by Ada (6th grade student).

We would like to thank Random House for providing a copy of Don't Even Think About It for this review.

Have you read Don't Even Think About It? How would you rate it?

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