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Monday, September 13, 2010

Book Review: The Ham Heist by Darrel & Sally Odgers

The Ham Heist by Darrel & Sally Odgers
Buy The Ham Heist by Darrel & Sally Odgers

The Ham Heist
by Darrel & Sally Odgers
Jack Russel: Dog Detective

Kane Miller
ISBN-10: 1-935279-75-0
ISBN-13: 978-1-935279-75-4
Publication Date: September, 2010
List Price: $4.99

Review: Mischievous, Hammy, Terrier, Adventure! The Ham Heist by Darrel and Sally Odgers is the eleventh book in the Jack Russell: Dog Detective series. It is a great book for you to read! The main character is Jack Russell, a feisty terrier with a nose for crime.

It is a bright and sunny day when Jack and Preacher are sitting on the porch minding their own business. In preparation for Sarge’s wedding (Jack’s person), a ham van appears to deliver ham for the wedding. Dogs from everywhere, including a prisoner dog, run up to the ham-scented van to get a whiff. Then a couple of days later, Auntie Tinge and Kiarna find out that the ham is missing! Who stole the ham? It’s up to Jack to find out!

The Ham Heist is a great book, especially for dog or other animal lovers. It is intended for younger readers, but it’s fun for more advanced readers too. I would highly recommend it. The author uses fun dialogue and humorous jokes that keep the reader chuckling throughout the book. Plus, the mystery is not overly easy to solve. I kept on guessing the identity of the thief and was surprised at the end.

Review written by Andrea (6th grade student).

We would like to thank Kane Miller for providing a copy of The Ham Heist for this review.

Have you read The Ham Heist? How would you rate it?

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