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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Review: Island of Doom by Arthur Slade

Island of Doom by Arthur Slade. The Final Installment in The Hunchback Assignments Series.

Island of Doom by Arthur Slade

Wendy Lamb Books
Publication Date: September 2012
List Price: $15.99
ISBN-13: 9780385737876

Review: The Island of Doom, written by Arthur Slade and with your favorite character, Modo is the fourth book in The Hunchback series, as well.

In the fourth (and maybe final) book of the series, Modo continues to try to track down his parents, while also continuing fighting the Clockwork Guild, a horrible ÒkingdomÓ of monster-makers. Old friends and enemies return to either aid Modo..... or the Clockwork Guild. As usual, Octavia (his almost-wife mate) is there to fight with him, with even a few tricks of her own!

What I liked was the action, the details, and the allusions. The action was very fast-paced and detailed. In my mind, I could imagine the whole battle: Their faces, feelings, and weapons. Next, it's the details. There are so many details that it's like watching a movie in 1080p HD! Every feeling, action, and point of view you can see and feel like you saw it. (For example, "as he lunged; it was as though a mountain falling toward her." This shows how heavy the monster was and how heavy the force is. It's also an example of a simile.)

Last but not least, are the allusions. If you don't know what they are, they're references to other books or stories. Sometimes, the main character will note that it's a reference themselves! (For example, "Do you remember who Typhon was? "Typhon was the name of a Greek god of monsters." This is an example of an allusion.)

I recommend this book for audiences 10 years or older, as its words are complicated and some of its details might be somewhat gory.

Review written by David (6th grade student).

We would like to thank Random House for providing a copy of Island of Doom for this review.

Have you read Island of Doom? How would you rate it?

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