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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Review: A Poor Excuse for a Dragon by Geoffrey Hayes

A Poor Excuse for a Dragon by Geoffrey Hayes.

A Poor Excuse for a Dragon by Geoffrey Hayes

Random House Books for Young Readers
Publication Date: August 2011
List Price: $12.99
ISBN-13: 9780375871801

Review: Geoffrey Hayes' A Poor Excuse for a Dragon is a charming book. It is about a finding one's way in the world without conforming to preconceived stereotypes. With colorful graphics and an engaging plot, this story is great for young school children. However, all ages will be entertained with this easy-to-read book. A Poor Excuse for a Dragon is an excellent book with an important life lesson.

Fred, a red eyed dragon, is old enough to leave home. His mother provides him with a note on how to be a good dragon. It was a short list that included running amok, eating people, roaring, breathing fire and acting scary. As Fred traveled, he discovered he didn't care for the taste of people, he preferred pancakes. Likewise, his roar and fire breathing skills weren't scary, making it impossible to run amok. However, these revelations were not easily discovered. Colorful, stereotypical fairy tale characters teased him and ultimately helped him discover himself. In the end, he became a successful Dragon in a Castle moat. He no longer ate people or scared them, he was happy eating pancakes. He was content with his scary, red dragon eyes.

A Poor Excuse for a Dragon by Geoffrey Hayes is an excellent book. By using familiar fairy tale characters like dragons, a princess, a witch, a giant and others, the author keeps the reader amused. Although the characters are familiar, they possess unique personality traits. For instance, the princess is not sweet, but initially laughs at Fred for his poor fire-breathing skills. Likewise, the Giant and the Witch, who generally are not helpful in story books, assist Fred in relieving his tummy ache. Using well-known characters with witty dialogue, this book teaches about self-discovery in an understandable and appealing manner.

This book is a pleasure to read. With funny characters, beautiful graphics and a humorous plot, this book is successful providing a life lesson. This book should be on all children's reading lists.

Special thanks to M. W. Sacco for contributing her review of A Poor Excuse for a Dragon.

We would like to thank Random House for providing a copy of A Poor Excuse for a Dragon for this review.

Have you read A Poor Excuse for a Dragon? How would you rate it?

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